How to follow up on job applications to get interviews

In this article, you’ll learn when (and how) to follow up after an interview — and how to make yourself stand out from the crowd. But what about a more traditional, less gimmicky way to make the follow-up stand out? While a nice gesture in the past, sending a physical thank you note is unnecessary, especially in the increasingly remote world that companies operate in today.

While we hope you’ll get the job, the reality is that you may not. Silence means you’re saying nothing, but a phone call may seem pushy, so be proactive and send a follow-up email after an interview. how to follow up on a job application While you wait for feedback, you can read these signs your interview went well or badly. I emailed last week and hadn’t received any reply or updates, so I thought it made sense to ask you next.

How to Write a Follow-Up Email After a Job Application

You may ask to set up an informational interview or simply express continued interest in the company should any future opportunities arise. Let’s say Arianna has completed all three interviews for a software engineer position. But the third round with the team’s director took longer to set up. She asked the recruiter before her third and final interview how many candidates were in the mix. Arianna learned it was between her and one other candidate.

I’m writing to let you know that I was offered a [Position name] position at [Company 1]. The deadline for accepting or rejecting the offer is [Deadline date]. The deadline for accepting or rejecting my offer with Gartner is December 3 — let me know if you’ll have a decision by that date. I’m writing to let you know that I was offered a Sales Representative position at Gartner.

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The follow-up will always be more of a humble obligation than the interviews themselves. So it’s best to take all the details seriously, but not overthink them or try to “hack” the process. Few things are more dispiriting than going through an interview, or multiple rounds of interviews, for a coveted role only to have your follow-up outreach met with …

  • Although I did not get the opportunity to work with [Company name], I thoroughly enjoyed the process and I learned a lot about both your company and the industry.
  • I will be accepting the offer with them, and I’d like to thank you for your time and dedication once again.
  • But the third round with the team’s director took longer to set up.
  • Make sure to include pertinent details – like the position title, department, and job location – to ensure they know what opening you’re referencing.
  • By writing up a stellar follow-up email after no response, you might be able to get a status update.
  • Thank you for the opportunity to come and chat a second time.

So, whether you opt to call the hiring manager, draft an email, or send a LinkedIn message, try to keep your contact as brief as possible. There’s nothing like reading a job listing and feeling that this could be the perfect job for you. So, you apply to the position, send a thank-you email…and then it’s crickets. If you need additional information for me or have any questions, I am more than happy to help. Otherwise, I look forward to hearing back from you regarding any next steps and genuinely appreciate being considered for this exciting position. I’m reaching out to see if there has been a decision on the [Job Title] position at [Company Name].